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Top 7 rape punishments places in the world

You will be shocked to know the rape punishments that are given in different countries

Rape is considered one of the most offensive crimes a human can commit. The victims are dishonored by the society and lead a life of mental torture without them being at fault. Rape is any type of unlawful sexual assault, by one or more individuals without the consent of the person involved. The devil who commits the horrendous act is punished differently in different nations. The governments of various countries have come up with laws to make their countries a safer place to stay.

1. India

Before 2013, rape wasn’t even considered a major crime according to the IPC. It was only after the Anti-Rape Bill of 2013 that the culprits were awarded life imprisonment, death in the rarest of cases.

2. China

China has a stringent policy when it comes to rapists. The court proceedings are quick and the rapists get a death punishment on being convicted. The rapists are castrated or shot by a bullet in the spinal cord.

3. North Korea

North Korea follows the same policy as China of shooting the convict either on his head or on other vital organs. This provides instance justice to the sufferer and the convict is killed instantly.

4. Russia

Rapists in Russia are subjected to 3-6 years of imprisonment. The term can be increased up to 10 years or even 20 years under special circumstances.

5. USA

In the USA the crime is categorized depending on the type of sexual harassment. It includes 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree punishments of rape. The extreme punishment that a convict can get is the life imprisonment (upto 30 years).

6. France

France is quite meticulous with its rape laws. For aggravating a rape incident, the guilty is liable to 10 years’ imprisonment. In case of the death of the victim, the term gets increased to 30 years. For any kind of torture inflicted on the victim, the rapist gets a life imprisonment.

7. Saudi Arabia

The legal system of Saudi Arabia is based on Sharia (Islamic law). It has severe punishment for not only rape but also for murder, drug-trafficking, robbery, sodomy etc. The convict is beheaded publicly with a single stroke by the police. To make it pain-free the victim is given a sedative

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